Apoorvi Thakur got 8th rank in 10th Board exams

Muskan Sharma got 14th rank in 10th board merit

Shivansh Sharma got 473/500 in 10th board exams


  • Airy and spacious classrooms with proper sitting arrangement.
  • Well equipped labs of Chemistry. Biology, Physics and Computer.
  • Availability of separate apparatus for each student in the labs.
  • A library full of books.
  • A well-maintained playground.
  • Smart classroom for each class.


Our esteemed faculty members are dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience for our students. With their exceptional expertise, passion for teaching and commitment to research, our faculty members shape the minds of future leaders and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.


Our Admissions team is dedicated to assisting prospective students in navigating the application process with ease and clarity. We believe in the power of a well-rounded education, Our curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity, equipping our students with the tools they need to thrive.


We understand the importance of convenient and reliable transportation for our students, faculty, and staff. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of transportation services to ensure easy access to and from our campus. For more information on transportation services, schedules and routes, please contact our dedicated staff at the Transportation Office.

Notice Board

पी० टी० एम०/एस० एम०सी०
पी० टी० एम०/एस० एम०सी०

🌲🌲🌲"सूचना"🌲🌲🌲 दिनांक 18 सितंबर 2023 को राधा कृष्णा वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय घंडालवीं में पी० टी० एम०/एस० एम०सी० आयोजित की गई। जिसमें अभिभावकों और अध्यापकों ने निर्णय लिया कि हम सभी " हिमाचल प्रदेश आपदा राहत कोष" में अपनी सामर्थ्य अनुसार दान करेंगे। अभिभावक गण राहत कोष में पैसा जमा करवाने के लिए इस गूगल पे नंबर 8427450367 का इस्तेमाल करें। आप राहत कोष में पैसा 22 सितंबर 2023 तक जमा कर सकते हैं। इसका स्क्रीनशॉट संबंधित क्लास इंचार्ज के फोन पर भेज दें। धन्यवाद।🙏🏻 प्रिंसिपल राधा कृष्णा वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय घंडालवीं

Ganesh Poojan
Ganesh Poojan

19th September to 28th September 2023


Its holiday time!!

From June 24th to July 31st, the school will remain closed due to summer vacation. Stay Safe.

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About School

Radha Krishna Sr. Sec. Public School was established in year 2006. School has been run by the Radha Krishna Education Society keeping in view the needs of the students in today’s competitive worlds. The main aim of school is to provide modern education to our children with special emphasis on the knowledge and wisdom enshrined in our tradition and cultural heritage.

school hours

M-F: 8:30am – 3:30pm


Ghandalwin, Teh-Ghumarwin, Distt-Bilaspur (H.P.)




From Principals’ Desk


Sunil Kumar Thakur

(M. Sc. Phy, B. Ed)


Raj Kumar Sharma

(M.A. M. ED.)


House System

The school has been divided in four Houses Bose Hose, Gandhi House, Tagore House and Shivaji House for the active participation of students

Co-curricular Activites

Extra curricular activities will be arranged from time to time to enhance the spirit of healthy competition among the students. It will include competitions in the faculty of music, dancing, quiz, debates and declamation, Story Telling, Story Writing, Poster Designing, One Act Play, Essay Writing, Good Hand Competition, Arts & Painting Competition.

Sports Activities

The sports activities such as Volleyball, Kho-Kho, Badminton, Chess & Kabaddi are orgnasied in the inter house for the physical development of every student.
In the year 2022, we start Wushu classes, Karate, Boxing & Music classes for the stu- dents.

Rules & Regulations

  • Only those students will be allowed to appear in the annual examination who will fulfil the conditions at 85% attendance.
  • If any student is observed to create indiscipline in school may be rusticated by giving single prior warning.
  • Every student will have to secure atleast 60% marks in the middle term and preboard
  • Punctuality at school time should be strictly observed of each student.
  • Students are expected to come to the school in neat and tidy dress.

Smart Classes

In order to make the teaching learning process interesting, simple, effective and attractive Radha Krishna Public school uses the concept of smart classes. 

The fee for smart classes is paid in the quarterly based – Rupees- 200/-

  1. May to July 

  2. August to October 

  3. November to January 

  4. February to April

Parent-Teachers Association

Parents teachers co-operation is essential for complete & harmonious develop- ment of the student’s personality.
Note:- S.M.C. meeting will be organized monthly to discuss the progress of the students and welfare of institution on the last day of the month. Parents have to attend at least three meetings in a year. These meetings are necessary for all parents. We at Radha Krishna public school give a platform for the teacher and parents-to interact through parents-teacher meeting.


10+2 Passout Batch


Academic Toppers 2021-22